30 minutes west of Kamloops.
11 acreages , the smallest is 8 acres, most are 11 or 12 acres, gently sloping southern exposure with impressive views of the Thompson River and Valley, and irrigated alfalfa fields. One is 65 acres, one is 81 acres. These two larger pieces are not in the ALR, but most of the smaller pieces are in the ALR. 5 have access to BC Hydro, the other 6 will have Hydro installed in the near future. Zoned RL-1 Located a few minutes west of Thompson River Estates., on the north side of the #1 Hwy, opposite the turnoff to Walhachin. Located on Ashcroft rd, (There are 2 Ashcroft rd’s, this is the west one) 32 minutes from Costco in Kamloops. Prices starting at $189,000
These lots were created over 100 years ago when Walhachin was a thriving fruit growing area. When World War 1 started, many of the young men that worked at Walhachin went to Europe, and the lack of manpower led to the demise of the fruit growing and harvesting. Remains of the 100 year old wooden water flume that supported the fruit farming, can be seen on some of the acreages. This is the first opportunity in recent times to purchase these lots on an individual basis.
One of the old time apples trees from Walhachin’s glory days, still survives along the Trans Canada Hwy. I"ve tasted better apples, maybe pruning and care do count.

Building Scheme
A. No single wide mobile homes, new or used, will be allowed.
B. Home builders are encouraged to use to use muted colours that will blend in with the landscape, rather that bright colours that will stand out, as the Thompson River Valley is an area of great natural beauty. Tobiano, a development 15 minutes west of Kamloops, is a good example of colours that are easy on the eyes.
The beautiful views from all these lots are 360 degrees. The main view to the south starts with a kilometre of green irrigated alfalfa and corn fields across the hwy. Then there is the river, and the grasslands hills across the river, which give way to trees farther in the distance. The Tremont Creek fire of 2021 has blackened some of the grass and some of the trees across the river. The grass should all come back green in the spring of 2022, but the faraway trees will take longer to be green again. We are thankful that all the trees in the view area did not burn, and that the burnt trees are quite a distance away to the south..
Lot 27 is an L shaped lot lying to the north of the Trans Canada Hwy #1.
It has access off of the TCHwy #1 and Ashcroft rd. It is mostly covered with sagebrush, and offers a fairly private setting, and possible building site, at the North West boudary of the bottom part of the L, which is up against an old unused road called Bedford Rd. And approximately an 1/2 acre of lot 27 lies across the hwy in the green alfalfa field.
It has a BC Hydro and Telus line running through it. This line will service itself (Lot 27),and some of the other lots.

Lot 28 also has TCHwy #1 frontage, and it is the only lot with a proper well.This lot has a mixture of sage brush, grass and cactus on it. And, like all of these first 9 lots, it gently slopes towards the south and all the area on it is usable.

Lot 29 is a triangular lot with an old well on it, that has some water in it. Our well driller's program did not allow the time to develop it into a proper well with a screen, and pump testing, etc.This lot is probably one of the best bargains here, as we have priced it as if it didn't have any water at all. All the lots without water are priced $60-$80,000 below what they would be priced with a good water supply. Wells can run from $10-$20,000, sometimes more.

Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, are similar rectangular shaped lots, that all slope gently up to the north, where the most awesome views and building spots will be.
They are all a mixture of sagebrush. grass, and cactus.
Lots 29 - 32, each have a power line near their north boundaries, and we are putting a residential power line along the north boundaries of lots 30-34.

Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, are similar rectangular shaped lots, that all slope gently up to the north, where the most awesome views and building spots will be.They are all a mixture of sagebrush. grass, and cactus.Lots 29 - 32, each have a power line near their north boundaries, and we are putting a residential power line along the north boundaries of lots 30-34.
Lot 31 has a brand new 1.5 GPM water well.

Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, are similar rectangular shaped lots, that all slope gently up to the north, where the most awesome views and building spots will be.
They are all a mixture of sagebrush. grass, and cactus. 33 & 34 have crown land on their north boundaries.
We are putting a residential power line along the north boundaries of lots 30-34.

Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, are similar rectangular shaped lots, that all slope gently up to the north, where the most awesome views and building spots will be.
They are all a mixture of sagebrush. grass, and cactus. 33 & 34 have crown land on their north boundaries.
We are putting a residential power line along the north boundaries of lots 30-34.

Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, are similar rectangular shaped lots, that all slope gently up to the north, where the most awesome views and building spots will be.
They are all a mixture of sagebrush. grass, and cactus. 33 & 34 have crown land on their north boundaries.
We are putting a residential power line along the north boundaries of lots 30-34

Lot 35 is mostly covered with sagebrush, and it has the same power line running through it that runs through lot 27.
It also has a driveway easement running along it's east boundary, that gives access to the property to the north.
It has good room and favourable building sites over on it's west side.

Part NE 1/4 is 65.61 acres, and Part S 1/2 of NW 1/4 is 81.4 acres.Both these larger acreages are steep and rough and rocky, and after building a home on them, their next best use would be livestock grazing, hiking, ATV or mountain bike riding.From a quick look, I see 3-4 possible building sires on the 65 acres, and at least one on the 81 acres.

Part NE 1/4 is 65.61 acres, and Part S 1/2 of NW 1/4 is 81.4 acres.Both these larger acreages are steep and rough and rocky, and after building a home on them, their next best use would be livestock grazing, hiking, ATV or mountain bike riding.From a quick look, I see 3-4 possible building sires on the 65 acres, and at least one on the 81 acres.
The 81 acres has a 0.5 GPM well.

This 152 acre property was purchased in 2020, and a 24 lot subdivision was proposed.
In 2020, culverts were installed along Hwy 33, and a bridge over Clark Creek was built. Brush clearing and burning, and driveway building began in January 2021, and the driveways were completed in August 2021. Both Clark Creek and Kallis Creek flow through this project, along with some seasonal spring run off smaller streams.
Hwy 33 runs right through the middle of this proposed subdivision, and we have made 3 shared driveways to help access the lots.
Clark Creek Private Road, is one of the shared driveways and it is actually common lot # 25, and will be jointly owned by the owners of lots 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, & Lot # 24.
Painted Cliffs Private Road, is a frontage rd running along the east side of Hwy 33. It is so named, because from it you can see the yellow and orange painted rock cliffs, lying to the west of our subdivision.
Stone Table Private Road runs on the east side of Hwy 33, and is so named because each of our 24 proposed lots has a stone table set up, usually near the cleared RV/Building site.
These last 2 frontage roads are owned by the individual lot owners and access along them is by easement. All 3 frontage roads are privately owned, and lot owners can look after any maintenance requirements. All 3 driveways had calcium applied in August 2021 for dust control and stability.
We are currently working on pricing for these lots. We would like to bring in Hydro and Telus the 4.2 kilometers to this project. But we would like to be a little closer to completion before we actually spend the money on the power line. The proposal calls for an overhead line to the north end of our project along Hwy 33, and then we would go underground for the servicing of the individual lots.
We will update this website as things progress.
This painted cliffs hike is immediately to the west of this subdivision.

Lots of sky, awesome sunrises and sunsets. This property needs to be seen to be appreciated. If you want a private hideaway in a beautiful location, this is it. No neighbours. Access to crown land. Room to roam. Make it a Home, Farm, Horse property, or Recreational Retreat. Level benches to live on, but also enough up and down to make a Mountain/Dirt Biking paradise. Close by is Arrowstone Park. Small stream with 30 ft, 15 ft, and 10ft waterfalls, and maybe more, I havent explored it all.